How do we remember a product is one of the way to understand how do we like the product. How we remember the product, whether by its advertisements, logo, design, quality determines how the product has made its reach to its customers. Delivering the product to the end user is with all the grandeur and highlights comes under Marketing. So what does branding do? Before this let us understand what branding is.
We remember a company or business by its name, logo, slogan, font etc which it is trying to establish. But Branding is not just name, it is a promise made to you by the company.Branding brings out the values, ethics, principles, attributes of the organization. It builds an emotional contact towards the company.
We can now understand that branding a product is quite higher than selling a product.
Email marketing has created a niche for itself in the field of marketing and has helped in producing many successful entrepreneurs, bloggers and businessmen. Moving ahead, Branding products through email marketing ensures longevity by connecting us with loyal customers. The company delivers what they promise and the customer establishes a strong bond with the company.
Successful branding is measured by:
1.Bring the limelight on your product rather than diverting customers with more of graphical illustrations or attractive discount. Try to make people focus on your product.
2.Deliver your promises. People evaluate you based on what you promise them rather than what you sell. It should reflect your values.
3.If your customers are able to understand what you are selling, how you are doing and why you want to sell them then your branding is on the right path. Your customer will always choose you from others because he is promised and delivered the right thing.
4.Branding doesn’t stop on the day it you gave it a shape, but it keeps on improvising whenever you improvise your product.
Another important factor which enhances the product is the feedback from our customers. Most of them rate your products or services but that doesn’t bring out the complete picture. Feedback in any form, be it judgmental, constructive or opposing comes from customers who understand your product.